Data Innovations offers XML conversion services that are essential for publishers, institutions, businesses and organizations looking to transform their data into a standardized, machine-readable format
Data Innovations specialized in MathML conversion designed to ensures accurate conversion of mathematical expressions and equations from LaTeX, MathType, Word, PDF into MathML
We offer JATS conversion services tailored for scholarly publishing and journal article management. We do conversion of journal articles, magazines, reference materials, and metadata into JATS format
Data Innovations offers specialized BITS (Book Interchange Tag Suite) conversion services to streamline the production and distribution of book content in a standardized XML format.
We offer DocBook conversion services that facilitate the transformation of various content formats into the DocBook XML standard, widely used for technical documentation and publishing.
Data Innovations provides DITA XML conversion services that help organizations transform their content into the DITA standard, widely used for technical writing and content management
Data Innovations offers JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) conversion services designed to transform various data formats into JSON, a lightweight data-interchange format
Data Innovations provides EPUB conversion services designed to transform various content formats into the EPUB standard, widely used for eBooks and digital publications